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Официальные рецепты
Заголовок раздела Официальные рецепты-
Add an RSS feed
Add an RSS feed to your Astro site to let users subscribe to your content.
Installing a Vite or Rollup plugin
Learn how you can import YAML data by adding a Rollup plugin to your project.
Build a custom image component
Learn how to build a custom image component that supports media queries using the getImage function.
Build forms with API routes
Learn how to use JavaScript to send form submissions to an API Route.
Build HTML forms in Astro pages
Learn how to build HTML forms and handle submissions in your frontmatter.
Use Bun with Astro
Learn how to use Bun with your Astro site.
Вызов эндпоинтов с сервера
Узнайте, как вызывать эндпоинты с сервера в Astro.
Проверка Captcha
Узнайте, как создать маршрут API и получить его от клиента.
Build your Astro Site with Docker
Learn how to build your Astro site using Docker.
Добавление иконок к внешним ссылкам
Узнайте, как установить плагин rehype для добавления иконок к внешним ссылкам в ваших файлах Markdown.
Dynamically import images
Learn how to dynamically import images using Vite's import.meta.glob function.
Add i18n features
Use dynamic routing and content collections to add internationalization support to your Astro site.
Create a dev toolbar app
Learn how to create a dev toolbar app for your site.
Add last modified time
Build a remark plugin to add the last modified time to your Markdown and MDX.
Add reading time
Build a remark plugin to add reading time to your Markdown or MDX files.
Share state between Islands
Learn how to share state across framework components with Nano Stores.
Share state between Astro Components
Learn how to share state across Astro components with Nano Stores.
Using streaming to improve page performance
Learn how to use streaming to improve page performance.
Style rendered Markdown with Tailwind Typography
Learn how to use @tailwind/typography to style your rendered Markdown.