Mehr Anleitungen
Schau dir geführte Beispiele für das Hinzufügen von Features zu deinem Astro-Projekt an.
Offizielle Anleitungen
Abschnitt betitelt Offizielle Anleitungen-
Füge einen RSS-Feed hinzu
Füge einen RSS-Feed zu deiner Astro Website hinzu, so dass Benutzer deine Inhalte abonnieren können.
Installation eines Vite- oder Rollup-Plugins
Erfahre, wie du YAML-Daten importieren kannst, indem du ein Rollup-Plugin zu deinem Projekt hinzufügst.
Build a custom image component
Learn how to build a custom image component that supports media queries using the getImage function.
Build forms with API routes
Learn how to use JavaScript to send form submissions to an API Route.
Build HTML forms in Astro pages
Learn how to build HTML forms and handle submissions in your frontmatter.
Use Bun with Astro
Learn how to use Bun with your Astro site.
Call endpoints from the server
Learn how to call endpoints from the server in Astro.
Verify a Captcha
Learn how to create an API route and fetch it from the client.
Build your Astro Site with Docker
Learn how to build your Astro site using Docker.
Add icons to external links
Learn how to install a rehype plugin to add icons to external links in your Markdown files.
Dynamically import images
Learn how to dynamically import images using Vite's import.meta.glob function.
Add i18n features
Use dynamic routing and content collections to add internationalization support to your Astro site.
Create a dev toolbar app
Learn how to create a dev toolbar app for your site.
Add last modified time
Build a remark plugin to add the last modified time to your Markdown and MDX.
Add reading time
Build a remark plugin to add reading time to your Markdown or MDX files.
Zustand zwischen Astro-Inseln teilen
Lerne, wie du den Zustand von Komponenten - und Frameworks! - mit Nano Stores teilst.
Share state between Astro Components
Learn how to share state across Astro components with Nano Stores.
Using streaming to improve page performance
Learn how to use streaming to improve page performance.
Style rendered Markdown with Tailwind Typography
Learn how to use @tailwind/typography to style your rendered Markdown.
Ressourcen aus der Community
Abschnitt betitelt Ressourcen aus der CommunityFüge hier deine eigene Anleitung hinzu! Weitere Informationen findest du in unserem recipes contributing guide.
- Use a dynamic filename when importing images
- Add animated page transitions with Swup
- Use UnoCSS in Astro
- Build a table of contents from Astro’s Markdown headings
- Create a Remark plugin to remove runts from your Markdown files
- Add searching to your site with Pagefind
- Add searching to your site with Fuse.js
- Get VSCode, ESLint & Prettier working with Astro
- Enhance your Astro builds: modify HTML files post-build
- Add dark mode to Astro with Tailwind CSS
- Generate localized sitemaps for your Astro and Storyblok project
- Integrate Prettier with Astro and Tailwind CSS
- Add an RSS feed to Astro using Storyblok’s stories
- Using tRPC in Astro
- How to make your Astro website multilingual with Crowdin: Astro localization guide
- Add blog post images to your Astro RSS Feed
- Setting up micro-frontends with Astro
- Add username and password authentication with Lucia
- Add Github OAuth with Lucia
- Integrating Sentry with Astro
- Set Up Draft Pages Effectively in Astro with Config-Driven Content Authoring